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    Telecommunication 1

    Thermal Systems for the Telecommunications Industry

    Birk Manufacturing supplies customized solutions for commercial telecommunication applications. Due to the harsh and unpredictable environments in which such products are generally placed, thermal solutions aren’t only desired, but necessary. Birk uses proprietary processes and methods to provide superior products that can withstand these harsh environments.

    Unique heater build-ups allow Birk to supply its customers with water-resistant silicone heaters when rugged applications are required. Silicone rubber is Birk’s material of choice because, in addition to being water resistant, it is durable, has minimal size constraints and can be formed to fit three-dimensional objects. These heaters are built to compete fiercely in the marketplace and ensure heating element safety.

    On cell towers, to eliminate structural damage due to ice and snow.
    In electronic enclosures, to eliminate condensation and moisture buildup.
    On battery backup systems, to ensure optimal operating temperatures in states of emergency or power loss.
    Birk specializes in engineered solutions, not standard products you can get elsewhere. Our design team thrives on developing innovative solutions to complex problems. Our continuing implementation of Lean processes allows us to deliver prototypes in days or weeks, where others quote months. Each thermal system is custom-designed to meet the specific requirements of your project.

    For More Information:
    (860) 739-4170

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